Making An Appointment

Schedule a Counseling Service



If you are not able 要找到一个符合您日程安排的预约时间,请发电子邮件 and let us know. 留下你的名字、学生证号码和最好的联系电话. 咨询师会回来找你讨论情况,并试图找到解决办法.  



Please arrive on time for your scheduled appointment.

当您在我们的网页上通过自助预约系统安排预约时, you will have the option to select your appointment type.

The Counseling Center is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon - Fri. Appointments are available during normal business hours.

If you have not been to the center within the current semester, 您将首先需要一个初次就诊预约,以确定我们的哪些服务最适合您的需求.

请为你的约会做好准备,考虑一下你想讨论什么, what your goals are for the session, and by participating fully in the appointment.


Attendance Policy

如果您需要取消预约,您必须至少提前24小时通知我们. We ask that you not miss, cancel, 或重新安排预约,除非有医疗需要或紧急情况.  

Additionally, if you miss, cancel, or reschedule any appointment, 你要和你的辅导员讨论这样做的原因.

More than two missed, canceled, 或在一个学期内重新安排预约可能会导致您在本学期剩余时间内参加我们服务的资格被终止.

An exception to this policy includes mental health emergencies, in which case, emergency services are always available to you. 

If you miss a scheduled appointment, you are responsible for rescheduling the appointment. If you do not reschedule within five business days, or if you do not attend your first scheduled appointment, we will assume you are no longer interested in our services. You may, of course, re-apply for service at any time


咨询中心非常关心维护您的隐私和机密性. As licensed Mental Health professionals, we are legally bound by federal laws, state statute, 以及我们各自的职业道德规范来保护所有信息, including whether a student has been seen or not.

辅导员和学生/客户之间的沟通是保密的,未经学生/客户的书面同意,不得在咨询服务中心以外披露. 但是,保密有时也有例外,包括以下情况:

  • 如果对学生/客户或其他人有迫在眉睫的伤害风险,或因此而住院治疗.
  • 在虐待或忽视儿童或脆弱成年人的情况下.
  • 如果你是孕妇,并使用非医疗目的的管制物质.
  • 如果你进入诉讼与十大网络彩票平台大全关于你在咨询服务中心接受的治疗.
  • If a court or administrative agency orders disclosure.
  • 如有关的发牌委员会或其代理人认为有需要就纪律程序提出纪录要求.
  • 咨询服务部内部或代表其工作的员工在其职责需要时查阅记录.

我们很高兴与教职员工合作,在发布信息时协调对学生的照顾. You may print this Authorization for Release of Clinical Information Form 如果你和学生都认为你们可以成为一个有价值的盟友,支持学生的治疗,请学生签名. 

Referring a Student to the Counseling Center

我们鼓励家长,教师,员工和同龄人推荐学生到咨询中心. Due to confidentiality laws and our policies, a third party, including a parent, is prohibited from scheduling an appointment for a student.


If you wish to help a student, 欢迎你协助学生在网上预约. 你也可以联系中心咨询辅导员,并提供有关学生和你的担忧的有用信息. 

Counseling services Referral Chart

What to expect after booking the Initial Intake Assessment

您将在预约后被联系,您将被发送 4 forms to complete (学生服务请求书、远程心理同意书、同意书及权利与责任表). 这些表格是必需的,可以帮助我们为您的预约做准备.

您的第一次预约是与有执照的心理学家或心理健康顾问进行初始摄入评估会议,他们将听取您的担忧并确定最佳行动计划. 这个会话通常需要45分钟,也可能需要2个会话,以确定最适合您的支持类型和级别.

During this session, 咨询师将讨论治疗建议,并回答您关于这些建议的任何问题. 这个过程是协作的,并基于你提供给辅导员的信息. 您可以提供有关过去和现在的症状和治疗的更多信息, the better the Counselor can help you.  

New Client Intake Forms 是必需的,必须在上午8点之前完成并提交给咨询中心.m. the morning of your initial intake assessment appointment. Please budget 30-45 minutes to complete and sign these forms.

Forms not submitted by 8:00 a.m. 您预约的当天上午将导致预约取消, 你需要重新安排你的预约,因为这些表格是辅导员在你预约之前审查的必要条件.

What to expect at a Let’s Talk Drop In Appointment

Let’s Talk Drop in Sessions provide students with easy to access, free, 与咨询中心的咨询师进行简短的问题解决导向咨询. Sessions are typically 20 minutes long. 

What to expect at a Same Day Emergency Appointment

当天紧急预约是指在当天与心理咨询师会面,帮助经历严重心理困扰的学生. Session focuses on assessing level of distress, offering help tolerating negative emotions in the moment, determining the level of support and treatment needed, and giving assistance in obtaining additional support.